Here you will find answers to commonly asked questions. Click the question to show the answer. As always, if you have further questions please contact us.
First, you need to enter a city and state, or a zip code. This is the only field that is required and allows us to find the providers within a certain distance of the location you enter. Next, you can choose to narrow your search by the fields available.
Simply enter a street address in the search fields and then limit the driving distance to the radius you are willing to travel. Keep in mind that if you search by City and State, or Zip Code, we will use the center point for the city or zip code as the center of the radius.
The top level category, called “Specialty Category,” contains the broad field of practice for a provider. To see the specific types of specialties, also choose a “Specialty” underneath it. For example, you’ll find Midwives as a specialty under the Neonatal category.
Take out your PacificSource ID Card. You’ll find the name of your plan or network on your card. In order to get the most from your benefits, you’ll want to see a provider that accepts your specific plan or participates in your plan's network.
If your provider says they are in our network, but you can’t find them in the directory, please call our Customer Service Department for assistance. Click here to contact us.
Once you’ve done a search and seen your results, you can click the “Change My Search” link to add more specific criteria. If you searched for a Specialty Category, for example, you might consider adding a further Specialty to make your results more specific.
Yes, in your search results, next to each provider or facility, you’ll have the option to click “Text me this provider’s information” or “Email me this provider’s information.” You’ll be texted or emailed the provider’s name, address, and contact information, a list of PacificSource plans they accept, and a map to their location.
Yes, once you’ve done a search, you’ll see an option in the gray bar at the top of your screen that says, “View map of results.” This will plot the location of each provider on a map. From this map, you can further calculate the drive time or get directions.
To print a directory, click on the "Print a Directory" button on the left menu. Next, select your plan or network and then click the "Print Directory" button. The printed directory is current when you print it, but changes are made on a regular basis to our provider network.
You may contact us to request a printed directory. We will mail you a hard copy of the most current directory within three business days from your request. Click here for instructions on how to request a hard copy of the directory.
If your plan uses a network with more than one tier of participating providers, you’ll see a 1 or a 2 next to the provider’s name. You’ll get the most value from your plan when you see a tier 1 provider, but you’re welcome to see a tier 2 provider if you don’t mind paying a little more for some services.
The same is true when selecting a Primary Care Provider (PCP). If your plan requires you to select a Primary Care Provider (PCP), you’re welcome to choose from either tier, but you’ll get the most value by choosing a tier 1 PCP.